- 1. Handle all the logistics. In other words, come up with a business name, get a business license and see what the requirements are to operate your type of business. Depending on your type of business, there will be certain things you’ll need to purchase and paperwork that needs to be completed. Handle all of this as soon as possible so you can begin focusing on your actual business.2. Lay out your goals. Are you planning on jumping right in full-time or wanting to start out slow? If you are jumping in full-time, make sure you have enough money saved to pay for living expenses while you’re getting started. Personally, I recommend at least six months of savings, but this will vary depending on how soon you expect to start making a profit. Write down where you see your business one month from now, six months from now, one year from now and five years from now.
3. Start some creative advertising. Whether you’re selling a product or offering a service, you need to get the word out that you’re accepting clients. You can start a blog, set up a business Facebook page, a business Twitter account and more. If used correctly, social media is one of the most powerful tools to grow your business.
4. Make a plan for every day. Running your own business requires you to wear multiple hats. You must create a general to-do list for the week and then a specific one for each day. This ensures I get all my tasks completed so I can continue to grow my business versus letting it fall to the wayside.
5. Focus on customers. There is really no better way to grow your business than by word-of-mouth advertising. Form relationships with your customers and provide the best customer service that you can. One of the best ways to do this is to keep the customer or client in the loop.